April 23, 2012 at 12:13 pm
· Filed under Diabetes, diabetes dogs, General Nutrition & Wellness, Professional Interest
Sharing a really cool article from the Virginian-Pilot….
Dan Warren, President of Guardian Angel Service Dogs will be partnering with the University of Virginia this fall to research the impact that dogs have on improving blood glucose levels in people who have diabetes. It is hoped that the results will help bring about insurance coverage for people with diabetes who may be in need of diabetes alert dogs.
~ Angie
April 22, 2012 at 8:40 pm
· Filed under General Nutrition & Wellness, Nutrition, Wellness

Have you seen this story from New Zealand? It discusses a trial that was brought on by the family of a woman that died in 2010. Her cause of death was determined to be from a cardiac arrhythmia and low potassium levels. The family claims that they should receive benefits from the Coca-Cola company to help care for her eight children. The main claim is that Coke should have warning labels on it like those found on alcohol. While I am not here to defend Coke, it does speak to the problems of doing things in excess. What is interesting, is the fact that not much credence is given to the fact that she not only drank at least 7 liters of Coke a day, which alone would provide about 2800 calories, but she also smoked about 30 cigarettes a day.
She was noted as vomiting 6 times a day, had lost all of her teeth and ate only a small amount of food. She drank little else other than the soda. Her partner was asked during the trial if he suspected that her overall diet was not healthy. When asked about the amount of soda she drank and if that played a part in her health, he replied, "I never thought about it. It’s just a soft-drink, just like drinking water."
Drinking 7 liters of water a day could cause some major health problems as well.
Let’s use this story as a motivator to ourselves to ensure that we are eating a variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables and reducing or eliminating intake of sweetened beverages, whether that be sodas, teas, energy drinks or alcohol. In other words, let’s be mindful of what we eat and drink. And, remember to always read beyond the headlines! There’s more to the story than just the soda.
It’s Your Health. It’s Your Life. Make That Change!
April 16, 2012 at 10:43 am
· Filed under General Nutrition & Wellness, Wellness
Spring is a great time for new beginnings! Have you ever said, “I know what I should do to improve my health, I just need help doing it”? If so, then Integrative Health Coaching is for you! As an Integrative Health Coach, Angie partners with you to discover, achieve and maintain an optimal state of health and wellness.
“I have always felt I didn’t have choices when it came to my health, and having Angie as a health coach allowed me to see that I do. I have had great progress thanks to her insightful coaching, which has had a ripple effect on several other areas in my life and health.” ~ Jody M., New York.
Angie is a graduate of Duke University’s Integrative Health Coach Professional Training Program. She & John are both Registered Dietitians & Certified Diabetes Educators. They also provide Nutrition Counseling, Presentations and Consulting Services. Contact them at (252)335-WELL or visit www.nutritionpair.com.
Achieve your highest level of health. Contact Nutrition Pair today to set up your first Integrative Health Coaching session!
“The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something”. –Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French aviator and writer
~ Angie “It’s Your Health. It’s Your Life. Make That Change!”