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Welcome March…Celebrate National Nutrition Month!

The weather is changing, the wind is blowing and some of our trees are staring to bloom.  This is the time to break away from the winter blahs and start looking towards the Spring and a “rebirth” of life! March is celebrated as National Nutrition Month.  This years theme is, “Eat Right with Color”.  Increasing the number of colorful foods to your plates by adding more fruits and vegetables will help you to add more vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and phyto-chemicals to your diet.  Research continues to show the benfits of eating more fruits and vegetables.  From weight loss to better blood pressure control, to improved blood sugar levels, you can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables!  We encourage our clients to get at least 2-3 pieces of fresh fruit and 2-3 cups of vegetables everyday for better health.  If that seems like more than you usually eat, start small and work your way up.  Fresh or frozen, cooked or raw, frtuis and vegetables will provide you with more flavors, more nutrients and more protection!  Eat from the natural rainbow of colors!  Visit the American Dietetics Association site for more great tips on adding more colors to your plate!

It’s Your Health.  It’s Your Life.  Make That Change!


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