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Farmer’s Market Season

Waterfront market

It’s Farmer’s Market season.  Local open air markets are a great opportunity to do something good for your health.  As we have said numerous times before, increasing our fruit and vegetable intake is one of the best things we can do for our bodies.  Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but enormously high in nutrition. 

Local or home-grown fruits and vegetables are usually highest in nutrition.  They are freshly picked and have not been traveling long distance on a truck or sitting in a warehouse.  They do not have to travel far to their destination—your table! 

Another great and fun advantage is that you get to meet the people who have grown your food.  You can ask them how to prepare the particular fruit or vegetable.  Farmers really enjoy sharing their knowledge about their produce and providing you with recipes and/or preparation tips.

Additionally, you are helping to stimulate your local economy as well as keep your local farmers in business.  Want to eat “organic”?   Many local farmers practice organic farming.  Just ask them about it. 

Want to find markets in your local area?  Check out this site Just plug in your zip code and it will find farmer’s markets in your local area.

In Elizabeth City, NC, we have the Downtown Waterfront Market every Saturday from 9am until 1pm through October 30 this year.  Visit for more information. 

So, make plans to visit a local farmer’s market this weekend.  Enjoy the sights, sounds, and fresh air.  Pick up a fruit or vegetable that you have never eaten.  You may discover a new summertime favorite!

It’s your Health!  It’s Your Life!  Make That Change!

~ Angie

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