It’s Your Health. It’s Your Life. Make That Change!™
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“Ask not what your country can do for you…”

I usually do not title a Nutrition Blog with a political quote but this one fits….From JFKs inaugural address, January 20th, 1961, “…ask not what your country can do for you –  ask what you can do for your country.”

We are hearing everyday how our country needs health care reform.  We are being told that we are in a health care crisis. Democrats & Republicans alike have thoughts on what reform should be or look like.  I’m not here to debate the issue of reform.  There is no question we need changes in many things.  From prescription drug costs to health care costs, we pay dearly for ways to bring us good health. But, are we healthier?  In the debating of the reform process, there has been some talk of increasing reimbursement for preventative care.  That is a nice start.  However, the major disappointment I feel stems from the fact that there has not been a call for increasing personal responsibility. We all want somebody to shoulder the costs of health care reform.  We complain about the cost of prescription medications, the high co-pay fees and health insurance.  Where we need to start, though, is with ourselves. Our lifestyles lead us to increasingly bad health. Sure, you can make the argument that you have the right to choose how you live. I am all for  that. But what happens when you get sick?  Many research studies have looked at the impact that lifestyle plays on our health.  Do we need studies telling us that fast foods are not healthy, that high sodium diets can cause high blood pressure, that diets low in fruits & vegetables can lead to a variety of illnesses?  For confirmation of that, we don’t need to look much further than the current increase of Type 2 diabetes in our youth. Twenty years ago, that was unheard of.  Today, as our children become more overweight and obese, it has become common place.

The time has come for each of us to take health care reform into our own hands. Each of us hold the keys to better health.  We don’t need government sponsored plans to set a healthier path. Look around and seriously assess your lifestyle choices.  From foods to alcohol to smoking to physical activity.  Are you choosing habits that will help or harm you in the long run?

People often tell us that it is too expensive to eat healthy.  Sometimes it may be more costly to eat healthier.  But think of that cost as an investment in your future.  The cost of getting sick is much more than the cost of eating healthy!  It’s funny that people have no problem spending money on the latest gadgets, HD TVs, cars, hair styles,….yet fail to look at what they eat, or how physically active they are.  Unfortunately, I can not promise you a longer life or total freedom from sicknesses if you make those changes.  But, I can offer you a better chance to beat those sicknesses and the opportunity to lead a more active , and possibly, productive life. 

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for your health – ask yourself what you can change to improve it!” 

Like we say at Nutrition Pair, “It’s Your Health.  It’s Your Life.  Make That Change!”  We believe that each of us have the potential to lead healthier lives.  Don’t wait for the government to make a change.  Start it yourself. Challenge yourself to eat an extra piece of fruit everyday, dine out less often, prepare more foods at home, eat more broccoli or other vegetables, or walk an extra 15 minutes.  Challenge yourself to learn more, do more and get healthier.  Remember……

“It’s Your Health.  It’s Your Life.  Make that Change!”


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