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Archive for September, 2011

Hypoglycemia…When a Child Takes on the Role of a Parent

"If I had only one wish in this world, I would wish for Daddy’s diabetes to go away".   – Jonathan Lamberson, age 10 ½

I cannot express how proud I am of my son. He took on the role of a parent the other night and helped his father treat an extremely low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia is rare for John, but it does occur. Often when it happens, it is sudden and with very little warning.

I was home Saturday night, but Jonathan stepped in while I was in the other room locating glucose gel. He did exactly what we have taught him. What surprised me was how very calm and consoling he was to John. Jonathan is a ten year old who does not always show responsibility and does not always think of others. However, he really surprised me and stepped up to the plate that night.

Sometimes I worry about exposing our children to the really ugly side of diabetes—hypoglycemia. I hate that they have to witness their father in such a vulnerable, bizarre state. I know how much it scares them. But, I do hope that it in some way, it will help them grow into considerate, responsible adults. This is life, after all.

It’s Your Health. It’s Your Life. Make That Change!

~ Angie
